Our bathrooms are highly functional places. However, as we require these places multiple times a day, it can be tricky to prepare your bathroom for a relocation. So, even though you might want to make your South Africa move as quick and efficient as possible, you will still need to think about your toilet carefully. The main reason for this is that you will need to have a functional bathroom until the moment you get in the car and leave the house for good—the same stands for the bathroom essentials. However, there are helpful tips and tricks you can follow to pack your bathroom for a move and, therefore, avoid the most common moving mistakes.
How to pack your bathroom for a move
Apart from the towels, our bathrooms more or less contain a myriad of delicate pieces that we find essential. Therefore, Peasley Transfer & Storage crew advises our readers to carefully think and structure a packing plan for each room before doing anything.
Additionally, one should pay special attention to rooms containing small and fragile items like bathrooms and pantries before packing for their long-distance South Africa move.
So, to successfully achieve the goal of packing your bathroom for a move like a pro, here’s what you’ll need to do.
- Sort your belongings out
- Purge what’s unnecessary
- Pack into designated bags and boxes
Now let’s take a more in-depth look and guide you through every step of the way once you get to the point of packing your bathroom for a move.
- Sort your things out
As a rule of thumb, a bit of decluttering does everyone good, and moving to Cape Town is the perfect occasion. You should primarily be aware of what you own to decide what you’ll keep, replace, and throw away. You’ll have to make separate categories to get to the point where you’re satisfied with your possessions and don’t have boxes overflowing with knick-knacks.

A regular bathroom’s category list should look more or less like the following one.
- Small bathroom appliances
- Cosmetic products and make up
- Hair products
- Paper products
- Toiletries
- Medicine
- Towels, bathrobes
- Cleaning supplies and other chemicals
However, while packing, make sure you set aside your essentials. The things you use daily, like your shampoo and conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste, and skincare products, should be set aside and packed on your moving day.
Another helpful tip is to have a “first night bag” packed, where you’ll keep all the essentials in one place for each family member and ensure a calm first night in your new home.
2.Get rid of what’s unnecessary
Once you’ve made your list and know what you possess, it’s time to decide what stays and what goes. Again, an easy way to succeed is to create categories of what to keep, donate, sell and toss.
- For instance, you’ll want to keep your expensive perfumes, skincare products, and other quality makeup you have. But, of course, you should keep the items you like and enjoy having.
- There’s an additional “use up” category you can have. For example, if you have half-full toothpaste or cleaning supplies, keep them around until the moving day. If, on the other hand, you have almost empty items, find a way to use them, as they aren’t worth taking up the space and bringing along.
- Another category should be for donating or giving away to friends and family. This group should include products in good condition that you cannot or don’t want to take with you. These items could be some of the following.
- a duplicate straightening iron,
- accessories you won’t need any longer,
- unused makeup or cosmetic products that don’t match your skin type,
- unopened inexpensive toiletries,
- items that contain alcohol and aren’t allowed on the moving trucks like deodorants, hairspray, mouthwash, etc.
- finally, the throw-away group should contain expired, damaged, and broken items that no one can use. Some of the things you’ll want to include on your to toss list could be:
- broken appliances
- nearly empty or empty bottles
- expired beauty products
- expired medicines or the ones that you no longer use
- worn-out towels, shower curtains, bathrobes, and bathrobes
items that may contain germs and bacteria, like toilet brushes and plungers.

3. Pack
Before getting onto business, make sure each family member has their bathroom essentials bag separately packed. The bag with essentials should include a toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, hair products one uses daily, shampoo and conditioner, make-up, and medicine if needed.

Ultimately, here are a couple of helpful packing tips to keep in mind.
- Make sure you wrap all open bottles that contain liquids or put them in plastic bags;
- If you are taking prescription medication, pay special attention to packing your medicine cabinet. Make sure you use the right materials to pack your meds and keep them safe;
- Line your boxes that contain appliances, hair products, and toiletries with towels to ensure safety;
- Wrap fragile items and mark the boxes fragile;
- Label your boxes clearly.
Final thoughts on how to pack your bathroom for a move
So, if you are about to start an ex-pat life in South Africa, you should learn about the place before your move to make the transition easier. As far as the packing and moving processes are concerned, careful planning and organization are keys to success. Therefore, make sure you refer back to our article if you wish to pack your bathroom for a move to learn about the most straightforward way to do so. This way, you won’t only have a hassle-free packing process but will ensure you have everything you need without feeling overwhelmed.